Is this what we call Tanda-tanda Kiamat? :O
17 December 2011 @ 01:20 | 2 notes

Sorry for not update for a long time. I just online via Mobile Phone so I can't update any post yet. So, this day my sis baru balik from her uni so i can online baby!

Have you heard that hot news? Ya, about Ariff Alfian. I just don't understand why he must do such a stupid things. Oh ya, ive just read this on my timeline "Ariff Alfian cerdik dalam pelajaran tapi... Bodoh dalam pemikiran." Em k. I little bit setuju with this "quotes". Now dia sedang belajar dekat University College Dublin. Overseas k. Result SPM dia cemerlang so dia dapat tajaan pinjaman boleh ubah dari PETRONAS untuk melanjutkan pelajaran dalam bidang perubatan di United Kingdom.

He is the first Malaysian Malays that have been married with his boyfriend. It's so surprising exciting me. Is this we call tanda-tanda kiamat? :( And tadi Buletin 1.30. Diorang cakap hampir semua bandar ditelenggami air. I remember that my Angah said that "Masa kiamat nanti, air laut semua akan melimpah lebih tinggi dari KLCC" Dah lama dah Angah cakap benda tu, tapi tak tahu betul atau tidak. Jangan cakap dekat orang benda tu betul eh? Tak baikkkkk...

So, I just can doa. InsyaAllah, this ridiculuos things will not happened again. It's very embarassing Umat Islam, Malaysia and All Islam Countries. I hope Ariff Alfian will back to the right path and back to Islam. I think dia dah murtad maybe? Maybe k. Im not ustazah. I have no right to condemn you, critics you or perli perli you. So 'till here only. Gonna back to Twitter! Assalamualaikum :-)
Bercumbu kemainnnn.....
Let's pray for him...
I have done edit my about me, so let's read it ya! No force, just suggest.