Move on and... look back for awhile
21 December 2011 @ 03:24 | 0 notes

amazing, animation, beautiful, beauty, bob
Ma god, so sexy!!! Im sexy and I know it yay!
Oh yes, my nape is gonna broken i think -.- It's all about this skin yeah, this skin. Seriously, pening gila edit skin ni. Em ya, im getting crazy. Ekcuali, skin ni i jumpa dekat Tapi.... aku tak ingat kat mana aku jumpa benda ni. So, memang bangang. Dah la aku tak credit. Kdiam. Maybe nextime i'll try cari benda ni balik. Kang mampuih owner tu cakap aku copycats .___. Tapi serious la, skin ni simple gila. Header takde, background takde, older posts button takde, almost all codes takde k. Memang fck gila. Tapi still berusaha, ceh. So, here the skinnnnnn. Not-so-cute just awesome babyh. 

Shoutbox ada dekat Meet the Boss page. Scroll down.... Aha! Dah jumpa :) Just now i heard that shoutmix kena bayar eh? Oh, hm. But still-not-in-mood la nak tukar ke cbox or whatever. Next time la eh? Oh, yes you are right. No tutorials and freebies page yet hewhew. First tutorial memang taknak buat langsung, bloggers sekarang dah pandai-pandai main code, en en? Ha, so tak payah. Freebies? Em.. still thinking. Entah la, tengok la. Kalau ada mood saya buat eh!!!!!!

Ha! That day en kitorang pergi Korea. Jumpa Jong Kook bhaaaaai!!! Oh tidak!!!!!!!!! Eh tak. Tipu je. Tipu tipu. It just a dream. Boredom swept me away. I just stay at home while eat, sleep, eat, sleep all the time. So homeless lifeless. Tapi en tapi en, this saturday my cousin's wedding.. Yeay, can't wait. I wanna meet my cousin, anak buah, aunt, uncle and so on. Oh miss them :') I miss the way we laugh hihihi. Oh, next year pun ada cousin kahwin dekat Terengganu. Ayah kata, kita holiday la dekat sana as a replacement for our vacation, this month. Well, this month bosan gila. Macam orang gila takde tujuan hidup hahaha.

Guys, nak freebies gradient background from ma tak? Ala, background macam tyra ni? Nak tak nak tak? Nak? K, wait for the next post tau tau? Hihihi. Assalamualaikum :-)
Count my tau and en  berapa banyak. Ekcuali sikit je sebenar-benaaaaaarnya.