Banyaknya hadiahhhhh o.0 *peace
30 December 2011 @ 02:01 | 0 notes

Assalamualaikum :-) Oh how guys? Your last holiday? For sure semua orang dah balik daripada holiday en en? Next week dah start sekolah. Em actually banyak gila benda nak story tapi.... ntah la. tengok mood dulu, kalau okay ai story semua nya. ceh, kang story semua panjang bebeno.

Oh ya first. Today is my birthday baby!!! Yes yes. My birthday. The little girl birthday. Lol gedik gila hahaha. Em, ya. Harini last friday of twenty eleven. Ya Allah. Cepat nya o.0 Time flies so fast k. Im turning to four/teen next year! Well, macam biasa ketinggian memang tak memberi sokongan padu langsung haih. As usual, zarith came to my house like 8.30 a.m.. and ai keluar dengan muka basi sambil air liur terkeluar fuh and.. she gave me a present yeay yeay. Hampir dua tahun dia buat macam ni lol so cute x) 

So present dia em macam em.... macam em.. apa eh. Susah nak terangkan, special sangat :P Hahaha tapi ekat hadiah tu ada tulis FRIENDS FOREVER. So cute k. Oh ai forgot something. Akmal Danial pun bagi hadiah tau tau. Hadiah skirt... aww. Ktipu. Eh manada betul what. Tu bukan hadiah apa, tu hadiah as a winner for his contest uw. Agak tak kusangka menang contest ye dop? So dah ada dua hadiah dah yeay yeay. Anyone? Present for me? Nanti ai inbox you home address ai tau? Lol
And last, Amirah. Dear, it's so sweet when you update a post about me. Am I too special for you? *ni ayat bodek. Haha, so to be honest. Mata aku bergenang bila baca post kau.  Im already forgive you. And I want to apologize too. It's up to you to forgive me because I know Im too much too you. Too much. Tak banyak aku nak cakap, i just wanna say thankyou for everything :') Assalamualaikum.
You must thankful for what you have. Don't regret soon!

Contest My Blog Awesomelicious
29 December 2011 @ 04:57 | 25 notes

Scroll down for the latest entry kgois :-)
This is my second contest. Let's join! You'll never regret :)

CLOSE DATE : December 31th 2011. Any changes will be update soon.
 Only for blogger and Malaysian Citizen. 
 Follow me and her for the updates WAJIB
 Like Tyra's Page and Tasya's Page
 Only open for boys and girls. Pondan, pengkid sila berambusss
 Make an entry about this contest " Contest My Blog Awesomelicious " Include the banner. Link the banner through Me or Her WAJIB 
 Put your entry's link on my or her comment box. Not your blog's link 
 Tag your friends at least two person or more and make sure they know it WAJIB
 Make an special entry for this BLOG *It's up to you but a must follow her. 
✿ You must like this, this, this, this, this, this adn this sponsorers page WAJIB 
Now the prize.... no I mean the great prize [ Any changes of the prize will be updated soon ]

1. 1x inner neck satin Malaysian Style. Color have been set by Koleksibhoolan
2. Shawl satin custom made , shawl rose , shawl inner neck by Raflessia
3. Sponsor by JCS 

4. Sponsor by Kitty Shawls
5. 1x sponsor by Alyadi's collection
6. 1x Bangle by Fea Beads
7. Doodles from Me
8. Header by us
9. Edit full blog (template ) and denim by us 
10. Greeting text by us 
11. Sponsor edit blog include Header
12. Freebies cursors special name by us
13. 1x Header Animation by Izyan Nazirah
14. 4x Review blog by us
15. 3x header and 2x banner by MissKara
16. 1x classic template by Najla
17. 1x classic template by Amalina

A little note : Who want to be our sponsorer, just PM Tasya on her facebook :) And no vote for this contest, chill yah.

Contest Wonderful Blog
27 December 2011 @ 18:13 | 0 notes

K im tagged by Fatin Aqilah. Let's join guys :] Now, ai tag Balqis Husna and Siti Hajar. Ni random, tak tahu nak tag siapa dah hahaha

C'mon la. Matured sikit please?
26 December 2011 @ 20:00 | 2 notes

Melting to the max* macam biasa :D
Erk erk... Ahhh! Kepala sebenarnya tengah mamai mamai sikit ni. Rasa nak muntah oh tidak!!!!!! Ni semua sebab baca post tyra yang merapu-rapu tu Lol tipu je. Tapi serious ah, rasa macam nak muntah je atas keyboard ni urgh. Ai think sebab malam semalam ai tak makan, then pagi ni pun tak makan lagi, tu yang berangin tu perut aku ni ah. Bai, nak muntah dah ni. nanti sambung!

5 Minutes Later....

Im back yow wassup wassup. LOL mentang mentang aku dah muntah, tetiba datang wassup wassup bagai. Bengong gila. Actually, sekarang dah okay sikit sebab tadi dah muntah en. Tapi kepala still mamai mamai so, if there's any typos, im sorry. Ai don't have time to check it back hewhew. Eh, have you heard about Adlin Aman Rami vs Chef Wan? Hahahaha. Dengar tajuk pun dah kelakar. Mentang mentang maharaja lawak mega, nak versus-versus pula dah.. Eh, bibik panggil makan ni. So nanti sambung balik tau tau hihihi

32 Minutes Later....

Alhamdulillah :-) Kenyang dah makan Char Kuey Teow panas panas fuh. Ha, now perut dah penuh so boleh sambung cerita balik!! Back to the topic, Adlin Aman Rami vs Chef Wan. Yang menjadi tanda tanya sekarang ni, kenapa Adlin perlu keluar statement-statement ni sejurus selepas dia meninggalkan maharaja lawak mega? Wah, bakunya bahasa aku :O K abaikan. Tapi betul en? Kenapa masa dia ada dalam MLM dia taknak cakap? Padahal benda tu berlaku 8 minggu yang lepas. So ai think maybe adlin takut kena marah dengan chef wan secara live kot? KOT. I don't know. Tuan punya badan je yang tahu, so kita ni hanya perlu berdiam diri dan tak perlu berkata apa-apa.

Ai know yang post ni macam kosmo LOL. To be honest, konsert adlin bukan best pun. Idea ada, lawak je kureeeeng. Tapi ai still don't understand why Chef Wan cakap dia talented, fabulous and blablabla. Urgh. Merepek. Gila. Then, masa minggu ke-8 baru chef wan cakap itu ini. Duh. Sebelum ni tak pernah nak berterus terang. But.. as a men, fighting in a social networks is so embarassing. Is this the real artist? Cannot accept opinion people and terus judge orang sini sana. C'mon la. Be matured please. You guys dah besar tua pun. "Watch this on YouTube! Bestfriends 'Till Jannah :') 'Till here only, Assalamualaikum."
Post kali ni memang banyak iklan sikit hihihihi sowy lerr 

This is what we call life.
@ 06:27 | 0 notes

Am ai the only one that feel like school holiday is too short? It's not two months k, it feels like two days!!! Yeah. Oh my~ Ya ai know ai know, greyson chance is too handsome right right? Tadi boring gila rasa macam nak hentak je kepala ni. Blank sangat tak tahuu nak buat apa. Tu yang poghi search greyson chance gifs tu Lol takde koje centu lewwww. Heh, cuci mata what daripada dok tenung timeline twitter tu tak bergerak-gerak hahaha.

Eh, so how? Dah beli school stuffs untuk next yeat? No ai mean, next week? Dah dah? Wahh, cepatnyewwwww beli haha. Ai belum beli lagi :P Baru beli uniform sekolah je. Bag, pencil case, tudung, stokin, makeup kasut and banyak lagi belum beli wahh. Ibu kata sabtu ni nak pergi, yeay boleh ajak ibu pergi One Utama. Nak jenjalaaaaaaaaaan! Nak tengok The Darkest Hour. Bunyi macam sohgham yo. 

Em last week pergi cousin's wedding, kak jan. Like what ai said, bila tang tanya tanya tu sumpah kelakar. Rasa nak terkeluar segala organ-organ dalam badan tu. Bila balik, semua pipi longgar je rasa hahaha. Eh y'know what? Kak Ajan's husband cakap dia bangga dapat masuk family kitorang and dia tak sangka ada family sebahagia ni hahaha. Mana tak bahagianya, asyik golakkkkk yo tak henti henti. Tapi bila first time dia cakap tu perhh, suara besar gila o.0 Tak macam suara Nazmi Faiz Mansor. Ala tomei tomei hahahaha :D *Enjoy with it!

Ibu memang tak suka bergambar-gambar ni. Tang nak bergambar lah dia nak tidur phew. Tapi takpe.. next time aku torai jugak! Harap maap, gambar tak boleh upload banyak banyak. Kang ada yang tergoda, mampus aku trololololol.. K 'till here. Gonna sleep! Oh before that solat isyak duluuu. Assalamualaikum :-)

It's all about Islam, Islam, Islam.
@ 02:01 | 0 notes

draco, funny, gif, harry potter, movie
Did you know that Draco Malfoy is so handsome now? Lagi handsome dari Harry Potter yang sekarang hewhew. Act, otak dah blank sangat tak tahu nak update apa so ai just write what ai want k. Deal with it. Oh ya, tadi ai stalk maniastory nak tahu dia apa ce hohoho. Ai suka tengok post dia, asyik meraban je haha sebaik kelakar. Oh then dia ada share something about muhasabah diri. So, source dia from Doktor Cinta wuhuuuu. 

And ai stalk her blog, yes her blog. So islamic ya. And ada satu post tu dia cakap "Single? Well, Allah is looking at you right now and saying; I am saving this person for someone special". Ha, itu sebab ai single.. And one more thing guys. No need to cakap ei kau single. So un-laku doh :P Sorry to say k, agak-agak boyfriend kau tu boleh bawa kahwin? Kalau boleh, Alhamdulillah :') Habistu, kalau aku single, tak laku. So, kalau kau couple perempuan murahan la en? LOL 

"Haram mengambil seseorang wanita sebagai kekasih jika niat bukan untuk mengahwininya" Ni via twitter. Ada someone yang tweet so aku retweet la sambil buat status pasal benda ni. Ehek, aku tulis k via twitter. And ramai yang like status aku. Bukan show off, dengar dulu aku nak cakap apa. It means, ramai yang sedang menghadapi situasi yang sama. Nowadays, teenagers mana yang tak couple? Btau sikit. Takde tu memang la ada, tapi aku rasa 1/4 je kot, KOT. That's why ramai je yang like status ai hohoho o.0

Ah! Dosa juga tau kalau seseorang lelaki tertarik dengan kita melalui gambar-gambar kita di laman sosial. Tak kisah lah facebook ke, twitter ke, myspace sekalipun :P And that's why aku bubuh default aku yang ini hihihi sumpah lawa gila. Confirm cair habis!!

Ai ulang balik, stop spam me cakap default ai awesome, pretty, cute ah tak terkata tau? Please please... ai rimas la orang puji ai sana sini. Rimas tahu tak rimas. Ai tahu la yang ai ni lawa sangat dari korang, ai tahu korang jealous en ai ni lawa sangat? Ramai gila minat ai en en? Ye, korang jealous :P
Ayat dekat atas ni hanya lah rekaan semata-mata. Tiada kena mengena yang hidup ataupun yang mati.
It is so annoying. Nak muntah, pergi muntah. Jangan muntah dekat blog ai. Kang ulat sebelah ni pun lari juga hahaha. K, 'till then. Nak sambung baca Pasai perempuan. Kadang-kadang kita sendiri tak tahu kita ni macam mana en? Ha, tu yang dari tadi dok baca pasai perempuan tu hihi Assalamualaikum :')

Contesrt Siapakah Maharaja Blog? :O
23 December 2011 @ 04:13 | 0 notes

Join contest hohoho. Dah lama tak join contest ceni hihi :-) Em so tyra tag @amirahrais dengan @tasyangee. Kebetulan yang buat contest ni member kelas tyra so, tyra tag pun member kelas tyra la hihihi. Senang sikit nak bagitahu pemenangnya ye dop? LOL kecek ganu tetiba. Kbai Assalamualaikum.

Bahu kanan saya patah!!!!!!!!! Oh no :O
@ 02:02 | 0 notes

Warning!!! Makesure prepare baldi dekat sebelah tau. Kang senang nak muntah :P
K, Assalamualaikum :-) This day tyra spend time dengan edit skin je yes, edit skin ni jeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! Macam biasa bahu belah kanan dah macam nak retak asyik pegang mouse je hahahaa. Oh ya, skin ni tyra ambil dari blogskins lettha hihi. Thankyou sis! So, apa yang penat? Ni ha, ce tengok ni sikit

This is the original skin.
Yup, that's the original skin. No lie ya. Tak cayo sudah. Ah! Yang, LET'S START, NAVIGATION, PLEASE MIND and blablabla tu basecode dia tyra jumpa dari blogskins. And......... i don't know who is the owner so how? Siapa-siapa yang tahu tentang owner ni, please tell me so then takdelah aku kena gelar copycats en? Sorry to say, sorry to say. Yang olderposts tu code tyra sendiri k. Insipirations by . Nak kata tyra buka page source dia mana boleh, dia dah remove page source dia ha now, believe me? *muka kerek sikit :P LOL

Comel dop button follow and dashboard dekat atas body? Hohohoho, entah idea mana datang tetiba nak bubuh benda alah tu dekat situ. Cepat mengaku, comel en comel en? Kdiam. Yang lain takmo cakap la. Malu la saya -.- Dah bai sebelum aku merapu tak tentu pasal.

Move on and... look back for awhile
21 December 2011 @ 03:24 | 0 notes

amazing, animation, beautiful, beauty, bob
Ma god, so sexy!!! Im sexy and I know it yay!
Oh yes, my nape is gonna broken i think -.- It's all about this skin yeah, this skin. Seriously, pening gila edit skin ni. Em ya, im getting crazy. Ekcuali, skin ni i jumpa dekat Tapi.... aku tak ingat kat mana aku jumpa benda ni. So, memang bangang. Dah la aku tak credit. Kdiam. Maybe nextime i'll try cari benda ni balik. Kang mampuih owner tu cakap aku copycats .___. Tapi serious la, skin ni simple gila. Header takde, background takde, older posts button takde, almost all codes takde k. Memang fck gila. Tapi still berusaha, ceh. So, here the skinnnnnn. Not-so-cute just awesome babyh. 

Shoutbox ada dekat Meet the Boss page. Scroll down.... Aha! Dah jumpa :) Just now i heard that shoutmix kena bayar eh? Oh, hm. But still-not-in-mood la nak tukar ke cbox or whatever. Next time la eh? Oh, yes you are right. No tutorials and freebies page yet hewhew. First tutorial memang taknak buat langsung, bloggers sekarang dah pandai-pandai main code, en en? Ha, so tak payah. Freebies? Em.. still thinking. Entah la, tengok la. Kalau ada mood saya buat eh!!!!!!

Ha! That day en kitorang pergi Korea. Jumpa Jong Kook bhaaaaai!!! Oh tidak!!!!!!!!! Eh tak. Tipu je. Tipu tipu. It just a dream. Boredom swept me away. I just stay at home while eat, sleep, eat, sleep all the time. So homeless lifeless. Tapi en tapi en, this saturday my cousin's wedding.. Yeay, can't wait. I wanna meet my cousin, anak buah, aunt, uncle and so on. Oh miss them :') I miss the way we laugh hihihi. Oh, next year pun ada cousin kahwin dekat Terengganu. Ayah kata, kita holiday la dekat sana as a replacement for our vacation, this month. Well, this month bosan gila. Macam orang gila takde tujuan hidup hahaha.

Guys, nak freebies gradient background from ma tak? Ala, background macam tyra ni? Nak tak nak tak? Nak? K, wait for the next post tau tau? Hihihi. Assalamualaikum :-)
Count my tau and en  berapa banyak. Ekcuali sikit je sebenar-benaaaaaarnya.

Is this what we call Tanda-tanda Kiamat? :O
17 December 2011 @ 01:20 | 2 notes

Sorry for not update for a long time. I just online via Mobile Phone so I can't update any post yet. So, this day my sis baru balik from her uni so i can online baby!

Have you heard that hot news? Ya, about Ariff Alfian. I just don't understand why he must do such a stupid things. Oh ya, ive just read this on my timeline "Ariff Alfian cerdik dalam pelajaran tapi... Bodoh dalam pemikiran." Em k. I little bit setuju with this "quotes". Now dia sedang belajar dekat University College Dublin. Overseas k. Result SPM dia cemerlang so dia dapat tajaan pinjaman boleh ubah dari PETRONAS untuk melanjutkan pelajaran dalam bidang perubatan di United Kingdom.

He is the first Malaysian Malays that have been married with his boyfriend. It's so surprising exciting me. Is this we call tanda-tanda kiamat? :( And tadi Buletin 1.30. Diorang cakap hampir semua bandar ditelenggami air. I remember that my Angah said that "Masa kiamat nanti, air laut semua akan melimpah lebih tinggi dari KLCC" Dah lama dah Angah cakap benda tu, tapi tak tahu betul atau tidak. Jangan cakap dekat orang benda tu betul eh? Tak baikkkkk...

So, I just can doa. InsyaAllah, this ridiculuos things will not happened again. It's very embarassing Umat Islam, Malaysia and All Islam Countries. I hope Ariff Alfian will back to the right path and back to Islam. I think dia dah murtad maybe? Maybe k. Im not ustazah. I have no right to condemn you, critics you or perli perli you. So 'till here only. Gonna back to Twitter! Assalamualaikum :-)
Bercumbu kemainnnn.....
Let's pray for him...
I have done edit my about me, so let's read it ya! No force, just suggest.